Adenomyosis Advice Association
Adenomyosis Advice Association
advice, support and information on adenomyosis
advice, support and information on adenomyosis

Not all treatments are either applicable or available to all, however this information is purely to educate the reader of possible treatments available.
How Is Adenomyosis Treated?
How Is Adenomyosis Treated?
Treatment for adenomyosis depends in part on the severety of the symptoms and condition, and also whether you have completed childbearing. For all types of chronic pelvic pain, non surgical therapy can assist greatly and even have good cure rate although not as high as hysterectomy.
Hormonal and Blood Clotting Treatments
Hormonal and Blood Clotting Treatments
For women who have no history of blood clots or stroke and whom can tolerate hormones safely, and who wish to potentially conceive, a progesterone IUD (coil) may be offered, since it has been found that a low level slow release of progesterone can ease the symptoms of adenomyosis a great deal, and can improve irregular bleeding and potentially avoid the need for a hysterectomy.
Gonadotropin releasing treatments can also be used to treat adenomyosis for a limited time, but adenomyosis seems to reoccur after discontinuing the therapy. It can be used, however, to reduce the amount of adenomyosis and then the remaining areas can be resected if, for example if there is still a desire to conceive.
Tranexamic Acid a blood clotting agent is also given to help with conditions such as adenomyosis to assist with conditions that are created and worsened with blood haemorrhaging.
More information about medications can be discovered via this link
Uterine Artery Embolization
Uterine Artery Embolization
In this minimally invasive procedure, tiny particles are used to block the bloodvessels that provide blood flow to the adenomyosis. The particles are guided through a tiny tube inserted into the vagina through the cervix. With blood supply cut off, the adenomyosis shrinks.
Endometrial Ablation
Endometrial Ablation
This minimally invasive procedure destroys the lining of the uterus. Endometrial ablation has been found to be effective in relieving symptoms in some patients when adenomyosis hasn't penetrated deeply into the muscle wall of the uterus.
Magnetic Resonance–Guided Focused Ultrasound
Magnetic Resonance–Guided Focused Ultrasound
The most up-to-date treatment that is currently being trialled all over the world whereby ultrasound waves are targeted towards adenomyoma enabling the uterus to remain complete and heal and achieve pregnancy. Please click on the above graphic for more information and to watch a video to explain this new technology.
The final and most radical treatment is hysterectomy. Although studies have not looked specifically at the pain cure rate for women with adenomyosis undergoing hysterectomy, the pelvic pain associated with adenomyosis is considered to be from uterine in origin. Current research claims an improvement of pain in 75-80%.
Pain Relief
Pain Relief
Over The Counter Preparations
Over The Counter Preparations
Mild symptoms may be treated with over-the-counter pain medications and the use of a cooling/heating pad to ease cramps.
If your pains are more severe your doctor may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve mild pain associated with adenomyosis. NSAIDs are usually started one to two days before the beginning of your period and continued through the first few of days of your period. These medications are of a stronger nature and are designed to deal with the cramping and specific utering pain and include: Ponstan Forte . For those who cannot take NSAID's paracetomol is a good alternative.
N.B. If you like to try natural remedies a natural anti-inflamatory such as Bromelain (extract of pineapple) can be purchased over the counter from larger high street chemists and can be quite effective. If in doubt always speak to a qualified pharmacist or General Practitioner.
Meditation, Relaxation, Massage and Breathing Techniques
Meditation, Relaxation, Massage and Breathing Techniques
For those who are unable or not inclined to take medication, there are a number of useful techniques to try to aid relaxation. Further information can be obtained on-line, products can also be sourced cheaply via the larger web-sites, and publications/CD's can be obtained through good lending libraries if you are on a limited budget. Paul McKenna has developed a number of relaxation programmes that you may find useful. Feel free to click on his photograph to visit his website.
You may not feel or wish to exercise while you are having a painful period, but keeping active can help to reduce pain. Try some gentle swimming, walking or cycling.
Warm bath or shower
Warm bath or shower
Taking a bath or shower can help to relieve your pain, whilst also helping you to relax.
Transcutaneous Electronic
Nerve Stimulation (TENS):
Transcutaneous Electronic
Nerve Stimulation (TENS):
A TENS machine works by releasing small electrical impulses that stimulate the nerves in your pelvic area, helping to block pain. The impulses are released through sticky pads (electrodes) that are placed on your skin. TENS machines are widely available from pharmacies and can be used at home.
Further Advice
Further Advice
Further advice regarding understanding and managing pain can be obtained from downloading the British Pain Society's Suggested Reading List